Safe Third Country Agreement Us Canada

The Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) between the United States and Canada has been a controversial topic for years. The agreement requires that asylum seekers who pass through the United States must make their claims in the United States, and those who pass through Canada must make their claims in Canada. This means that if an individual seeks asylum in the United States after first passing through Canada, they can be turned away at the border and sent back to Canada, and vice versa.

The STCA has been challenged in court several times, with critics arguing that it violates the human rights of asylum seekers and puts them at risk of being sent back to a country where they could face persecution. In July 2020, a Canadian court ruled that the agreement was unconstitutional, stating that it violates the right to life, liberty, and security of the person.

Despite this ruling, the STCA is still in effect between the two countries. The United States has not shown any interest in renegotiating the agreement, and Canada has not yet announced any plans to withdraw from it.

One of the main arguments in favor of the STCA is that it helps prevent “asylum shopping,” where individuals repeatedly apply for asylum in multiple countries until they find one that grants them entry. However, critics argue that the agreement unfairly targets those who have already fled their home country and are seeking safety.

The STCA has also come under fire during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2020, Canada suspended the agreement due to concerns over the spread of the virus, citing the need to protect public health. However, the United States rejected this, and the STCA was reinstated in July 2020.

The debate over the STCA highlights the complex and often contentious nature of immigration policy. As the world continues to face challenges such as war, persecution, and natural disasters, it is important to find ways to provide safe haven for those in need while balancing security concerns and protecting the health and well-being of all involved.